
Both groups can now be found in the Emil-Fischer-Straße 50 in Hubland North.

The HCI Chair and PIIS working group had the pleasure of hosting Bernd Rützel, Volkmar Halbleib, and Alexander Kolbow.
The Summer EXPO 2023 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! A large number of visitors were able to experience up to 120 different demos and projects.

We are happy to announce a guest talk from our cooperation partner Ubisoft about what it's like to develop (AAA) games as part of a large team. The talk will take place on 2.6. in the Turing Lecture Hall starting at 2 p.m.

In the current ARD report 'Mein Körper. Mein (Mehr-) Gewicht' on the topic of body positivity and health risks of obesity, the HCI Chair was able to present the ViTras project, in which the psychological effect of VR/AR is used to increase the effectiveness of obesity therapy and to reduce the relape rate.

We were proud to present our work at the CHI conference 2023 right here in Germany.

On June 16th at 1pm the XR Hub Würzburg hosts the event 'Dive into XR' for the Digitaltag 2023. Among other things, visitors will have the opportunity to experience different tracking solutions in the newly established motion capture lab.

As part of a guest lecture by Nikolaus Böll, we are pleased to offer an introduction to the topic of adaptive audio using FMOD.

Lena Fischer from Games/Bavaria will hold a guest lecture about the opportunities for game developers after graduation and useful tips on job hunting while entering the industry.

The Girls' Day took place on April 27th, 2023, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.

The 3rd research event of the PriMa project was successfully held in conjunction with the EAB & CITeR Biometric Workshop in Martigny, Switzerland

We are excited to announce that the PriMa project has been selected as the Project of the Month for May 2023 on the CORDIS website!

On Friday, May 26th at 3:00 pm (s.t.) an online information event for interested HCI master applicants will be held.

On April 25th Prof. Latoschik contributed to the VR/AR Learning Days 2023 with holding a keynote speech on the topic of 'Teaching and Learning in the Metaverse'.

Wuertual Reality, a premiere conference in the field of XR was held last week right here in Würzburg.

The 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR 2023) was a great success.

The winter semester has come to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Programming Course Interface Development.

Am Mittwoch den 12.04.23 veranstaltet die Zentrale Studienberatung den Orientierungsvortrag „Erste Schritte ins Studium“ für Erstsemester aller Fachrichtungen.

On March 8, 2023 Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at an Alumni event. Seize the opportunity and join via Zoom!

From April 11th to 13th, the Würtual Reality XR Meeting 2023 will take place at the University of Würzburg, Germany. The HCI Chair offers various demonstrations as well as talks on current research issues for the participants.

On the 23rd and 24th of February we visited the AI.BAY 2023 in Munich on order to support the CAIDAS and to showcase two of our current projects together with the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO).

The Winter EXPO 2023 for MCS and HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Join the Summer Elective 'Interactive Stories & Playable Narratives' where you'll work together with professors and students from the THWS to explore agency and stories in interactive contexts.

This blogpost discusses the question whether social VR can comprehensively substitute real-life social, interpersonal, and professional scenarios.

Together with State Secretary Lilian Tschan from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the AIL at Work project informs about the research aims and shows the topic’s relevance in this video clip.

Carolin Wienrich, Marc Latoschik, and Andreas Hotho visited the Bavarian Digital Summit.

The paper ‘Exploratory Study on the Perception of Intelligent Virtual Agents With Non-Native Accents Using Synthetic and Natural Speech in German’ recently recieved the best paper award at the ICMI 22 in Bengaluru, India.

The HCI Group presented five contributions at ISMAR 22 in Singapore, including two full papers.

On November 15th 2022, starting at 14:00, the event "XR meets future work" will take place via zoom.
Congratulations to the winners of the Expo 2022! With the sponsorship of Plaion the winners recieved their prizes for winning at the summer Expo 2022.

The XR-Hub Würzburg will join the Wuerzburg Web Week 2022 on 26th October! Make sure to be there to listen to our talk and try out our demonstrations.

On September 29, 2022, Prof. Latoschik gave a talk on Megatrend XR and the Metaverse at the kick-off Event for the 4th Year of BayFiD.

On October 19, 2022, Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich will speak at "Würzbürger Impulse: Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik in der Medizin"

The WueDive team with Samantha Monty, Prof. Dr. Sarah Koenig and Dr. Oyudari Vova in front of the teaching clinic of the University Hospital Würzburg. (Image: WueDive)
The Summer EXPO 2022 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Are you interested in Games, Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, and Science? Then this will be the right event for you!

During the Zoompresentation of the Games Engineering Group on February 7th, the Game of the Year Award will was granted to Gravity Boots the best GameLab I Project.

Save-the-date: On July 7, 2022, the XR Hub Würzburg will attend the XR Day in Nuremberg.

On May 24th, the XR Hub went on an excursion in order to be part of the "Media meets Health" event in Munich.

The XR-Hub was part of an extended reality event organized by the Bavarian Business Association on May 23rd.

The HCI Group presented four papers at CHI 2022 in New Orleans, USA

The project AIL AT WORK celebrated its official kick-off with the think tank Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Anne-Gwenn Bosser will hold a talk at the Coputer Science colloquium on the topic of 'Computational Narratives for Compelling Interactive Experiences'. Join the talk on 9th March 2022, 10:00 Uhr (s.t.) at the Zuse-Hörsaal, Informatikgebäude, Am Hubland

The Winter EXPO 2021/22 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Carolin Wienrich (Mensch-Technik-Systeme), Astrid Carolus (Medienpsychologie) und Marc-Erich Latoschik (Human-Computer Interaction) haben das mit 1,15 Millionen Euro geförderteForschungsprojekt „AIL AT WORK – Analyse, Entwicklung und Evaluation von AI-Systemen und AI-Literacy in Arbeitskontexten“ eingeworben.

Today the Winter EXPO 2021/22 for MCS/HCI takes place! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Erik Wolf from the HCI and HTS Group was selected to participate in the 2022 Meta PhD Research Fellowship program.

On Feb 7th our Games Engineering students present their projects via a Zoom Meeting. Starting at noon, we warmly invite everybody to watch the pitches, ask questions, and provide feedback.

Listen to the new podcast episode #66 of Arbeit Bildung Zukunft (Work Education Future): From Serious Games to Social Robots to Horst the Frog - Potentials of New Technologies in the Learning and Teaching Context of the Future

The idea of a distributed artificial virtual world, in which participants can meet and interact with each other via different avatars, is anything but new.

The handbook on Socially Interactive Agents, edited by Birgit Lugrin, Catherine Pelachaud and David Traum, and published by ACM is out now.

Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at the EuroXR conference on November 25, 2021. Free tickets are available!

Florian Kern will give a talk at the EdTech Festival 2021 on November 02, 2021 at 09:30. The title of the presentation is: ViLeArn - A Social XR Platform for Learners and Teachers Built with Reality Stack

Samantha Monty will give a talk at the EdTech Festival 2021 on November 02, 2021 at 11:15. The title of the presentation is: Decker: State-of-the-Art Universal and Interactive eLearning

Prof. Latoschik will give a talk at the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN on October 29, 2021 at 13:15.

The XR Hub hosted an event for the WueWW on Friday, the 22nd of October 2021 to give an insight into the world of extended reality and to showcase fields of application of XR.

Save-the-date: The 2nd Demo Day of the Bavarian Innovation Labs will take place as an online event on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

The Winter EXPO 2020/21 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Prof. Latoschik speaks about High Impact Trends in Games at the 11th International Conference on the Art, Technology and Theory of Digital Games. His talk on AI in Natural User Interfaces highlights the state of art, technical limitations and options, and the philosophical questions arising with such technology.

Together with Bavarian Minister of State Judith Gerlach the XR Hub gave a masterclass called Dive into XR – use cases and outlook at Bits & Pretezls 2020.

The summer semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some results of the 3DUI module.

The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Multimodal Interfaces course.

As a measure against COVID-19, special precautions must be followed when using the laboratories.
The sense of presence that virtual reality can trigger in us - Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) talks about this in the program Xenius: Urlaub trotz Corona: Neue Chancen entdecken. The focus is on the projects Virtual Times and Interactive Opera.

Judith Gerlach, the Bavarian Minister of State for Digital Affairs visited the HCI Chair and MTS working group.

The Summer EXPO 2020 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

A Center for Artificial Intelligence in Data Science (CAIDAS) is being established at the University of Würzburg. Minister of State Dorothee Bär has informed herself about its research.

Save-the-date: The Human-Computer, Games and Informatics Expo will take place on 24th of July 2020.

Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) speaks in the program alles wissen about the feeling of presence that virtual reality can trigger in us. The focus is on the projects Virtual Times and Interactive Opera.

The project ViLeArn was presented at the Digital Day Bavaria 2020. As part of the XR-Hub slot, the current prototype of project ViLeArn was streamed via Zoom.

Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) speaks at the Philosophicum of the Universitätsklinikum Würzburg on the topic Human Technology - Technologized Human.

Science Minister Bernd Sibler visits the Center for Artificial Intelligence Data Science - CAIDAS Würzburg

TV Mainfranken reports on the University of Würzburg as a hub for AI research.

The potential of virtual and augmented reality in schools is great, and this has been scientifically proven. But how do you get teachers to actually use XR? Sebastian Oberdörfer talks about it in the 7th episode of the XR podcast.

The ViTraS project has been selected to be presented in the BMBF Projectgallery. This year's gallery shows future-oriented projects in the field of HCI lunched in 2019.

'Let's go virtual: meet, learn, collaborate in the digital world' the 1. Virtuelle Talkshow of the XR HUB Bavaria, the 1E9 Denkfabrik and the LMU Munic

The Winter EXPO 2020 for MCS/HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Save-the-date: The Human-Computer Exhibition will take place on 7th of February 2020.

On Friday representatives of Airbus visited the Faculty of Human-Computer Interaction.

Virtual reality, extended reality, human-computer interaction in education and training - these are the topics of Prof. Marc Latoschik's lecture on 24.01.2020 at 13:00 in the Aquarium of FOS/BOS Kitzingen.

In two reports of public television (BR Fernsehen) and radio (Bayern 2) Prof. Latoschik and Prof. Wienrich present the current laboratory setup and the project outline of the ViTraS project for virtual reality based support of obesity therapy.

Daniel Roth and Maximilian Landeck presented their work at the VRST 2019 in Sydney.

In October 2019 Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik (HCI) and Dr. Diego D'Angelo (Philosophy) presented their findings on perception and reality in two short lectures in the Toscanasaal of Würzburg's Residence. A panel discussion with many good questions from the audience rounded off the event!

From 23.10.-25.19.2019 the HCI Chair again presented its projects on the Media Campus. The Media Campus is part of the Media Days in Munich. There the projects ILAST, Breaking Bad Behaviors and GEtiT were presented by a team of the University of Würzburg.

This year's joint contribution of the HCI chair and the Psychological Ergonomics chair 'Paint that object yellow: Multimodal Interaction to Enhance Creativity During Design Tasks in VR' was awarded as Best Paper Runner-Up. Congratulations to Erik, Sara, Chris, Jean-Luc, and Marc!
Prof. B. Lugrin in a BR article on the future of nursing: Can a robot replace a nurse?

The public TV channel (BR Fernsehen) reports in their regional program (Frankenschau) on the strategy 'BAYERN DIGITAL' by means of which six billion euros will flow until 2022. Prof. Latoschik represents two of the beneficiaries of the Bavarian strategy: Würzburg's artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) research.

The semester comes to an end and we are happy to present the results of the Multimodal Interaction course.

The Bavarian Ministry of Digital Affairs is creating a competence centers for key technologies in the field of eXtended Reality, called 'XR Hubs', that will network small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria and support them in technology transfer. In addition to a central hub in Munich, 500,000 € per year are invested in regional hubs. The XR Hub Lower Franconia will cooperate with the HCI chair Würzburg.

The summer semester comes to an end and we are happy to present some great results of the 3DUI module.

The public television program of the Bavarian region (BR Fernsehen) reports about current research of the chairs HCI & Data Science, about the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), and about the upcoming AI center CAIRA.

The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) with its ~850 participants has come to an end. We thank all participants, organizers, and helpers who made this amazing event possible.

The EPSS'19 on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Geo-Spatial Data/Volunteered Geographic Information, Quality of Experience & Human-Computer Interaction is over! We thank all participants, organizers, and helpers who made it such a great event.

The Summer EXPO 2019 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success. We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Save-the-date: The Human-Computer, Games and Informatics Expo will take place on 26th of July 2019.

We've renamed our labs to make them easier to identify. The new naming scheme uses colors that refer to the logo colors of the HCI chair (red-orange), the Media Informatics Group (green) and the Games Engineering Group (blue). A growing number of color related accessories in these rooms will support our choices.

Judith Gerlach, the Bavarian Minister of State for Digital Affairs, visited the chair HCI on Monday, 29th April.

The Winter EXPO 2019 for MCS and HCI was a great success. We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Prof. Latoschik is at the renowned HITlab in New Zealand until April 2019 for an external research collaboration with Prof. Lindeman at the University of Canterbury.

Save-the-date: The Human-Computer & Games Exhibition will take place on 8th of February 2019.

The Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B) presents the Embodiment Lab of the HCI chair in its recent promotional video, highlighting our lab among all Bavarian innovation laboratories.

This semester a new team is working on our ILAST project. The seven students started in October and started developing new applications.

On 26 and 27 November the coaches of all ZD.B sponsored innovation laboratories met at the Zentrum für Digitale Innovationen (ZDI) Mainfranken in Würzburg.

Thursday Kathrina Haunfelder from the Technical University Nuremberg came to Würzburg and interviewed Andrea Bartl about ILAST. More information will be published soon.

Our ILAST- Team presented a pitch and demonstration of the project at the ZD.B Demo Day in Erlangen.

The whole team helped together and now all 106 cameras are hanging in the rig.

The team presented its final prototype to the medical staff of the orthopaedic clinic König-Ludwig-Haus.
We had a meeting with the customer to understand his needs and requirements. As a second step we did a contextual inquiry and visited our customer.

Nearly all of the component parts for our body scanner have arrived by now. Our offices are stuffed and we can not wait to put it all together.

The team presented its first concept and prototype to Dr. Reppenhagen of the orthopaedic clinic König-Ludwig-Haus.

HCI group wins contest to establish a new 'EmbodimentLab' in the Bavarian initiative 'Innovationslabore für Studierende' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new lab will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'. The lab is initially founded for two years with with 223.000 €.

HCI group wins contest to establish a new program 'Games Engineering' in the Bavarian initiative 'Digitaler Campus Bayern'. The program is initially founded for 6 years with 1.243.000 €

HCI group wins contest to establish a new chair for 'Digital Media Processing' in the Bavarian initiative 'Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern (ZD.B)'. The new group will strengthen the Würzburgs research around 'Humans and Intelligent Machines'.