Is this me? Effects on Body Perception After Exposure to a Modulated Self in Virtual Reality
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Obesity is not only risk factor of developing type-2 diabetes and other physical. It is also increases the chances to develop a mental condition like depression (Askari et al., 2013; Nemiary et al., 2012; Zatterale et al., 2020). Studies showed that distorted body images are one of the causes of developing and maintaining eating disorders, which among other ailments can lead to obesity (Junne et al., 2019). According to a study from (Mento et al., 2021) body image distortions are still present even after medical interventions like operations and should be further treated with psychotherapy. Turbyne et al. (2021) suggests that the body image may conform to a modulated virtual body after a certain time amount of exposure. This shows that body perception might be changeable. This bachelor thesis is a part of the ViTras Project of the HCI chair of the University of Würzburg (Döllinger et al., 2019). The ViTras application was developed for therapy methods for treating Body-related health disorders. It is based on controlled modulation of body perception and behaviour patterns with the help of state-of-theart VR and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. We currently do not know if body perception of people are really altered after exposure and how we can measure the results of a possible change. Therefore this pilot study wants to address this issues. We want to analyse if the body perception assessment of participants changes after the exposure of a body weight altered, personalized virtual avatar. To the best of our knowledge, no work has used personalized avatars with embodiment to find out if participants have a different view of their body perception after the exposure with an highly personalized, weight modified avatar. Previous literature have already assessed that body perception changes occurred after exposure with non personalized avatars (Keizer et al., 2016; Neyret et al., 2020). However no work analysed which effect personalized avatars have on body perceptions. The main research questions are as following: 1) Will the own body perception assessment in real life change after the participants are exposed to an altered, personalized Avatar in VR? 2) Will the results of the body measurements after exposure differ from before exposure?
Related Work
To intervene and help obese patients, psychotherapy is used in form of e.g. cognitivebehavioural therapy (Alimoradi et al., 2016; Collins et al., 2016; Kang & Kwack, 2020). These disorders are mostly treated with medical or psychology standard procedures, which include diet, self-monitoring or body image recognition interventions (Olson, 2017). However studies showed, that the effects of classic interventions like cognitive-behavioural therapy only last a short amount of time (Kang & Kwack, 2020). The usage of Virtual reality (VR) in addition to classic psychotherapy has proven to positively affect the duration of conventional therapy results (Manzoni et al., 2016; Rumbo-Rodríguez et al., 2020).Mentioned in previous work like the BehaveFITModel from Wienrich et al. (2020), VR Applications have the ability to support behaviour changes especially in therapy context. As seen in literature people adapt to body size changes of virtual avatars in VR after embodiment (Keizer et al., 2016; Neyret et al., 2020; Piryankova et al., 2014). Body size is an aspect of the own body image and is a multidimensional self representation of one’s body through the 1st and 3rd person view (De Vignemont, 2011; Kilteni et al., 2012; Riva, 2011). In the papers of (Keizer et al., 2016) body perception changes are reported after VR exposure with an normal Avatar.
Body size perception can also be measured directly or indirectly with e.g. figure rating scales or an affordance estimation (Piryankova et al., 2014). In literature perceptions of affordances estimations are measured by having individuals estimate their ability to perform a task in an environmental setting like passing through gaps or doorways with a virtual avatar (Bhargava, Lucaites, et al., 2020; Bhargava, Solini, Lucaites, Bertrand, et al., 2020; Bhargava et al., 2021). Anotherway to measure the current, perceived body perception the so called “Test for Body Image Distortion in Children and Adolescents” (BID-CA) can be used (Keizer et al., 2016; Schneider, Martus, et al., 2009; Schneider, Frieler, et al., 2009). In this test participants have to form a long string to a circle to represent their current perceived circumvention of specific body parts. An additional way is to ask participants to estimate their perceived width of certain body parts putting stickers on wall, so that said body part can fit just between the markers (Keizer et al., 2016).
The Proteus effect is a phenomenon in which people who embody a virtual character and start to adopt specific traits and characteristics of the virtual character, which may result in altered behaviour patterns and perceptions in real life (Ratan et al., 2020; Stavropoulos et al., 2021; Yee & Bailenson, 2007; Yee et al., 2009).
These behaviour changes can be induced through embodiment, which is the conscious experience of owning and controlling a virtual body. As explained in work of Kilteni et al. (2012) embodiment in VR consists out of three parts: self-location (presence/ feeling of being “inside” the virtual body), agency (feeling in control of the body) and body ownership (feeling of owning the virtual body). In literature creating a sensation of body ownership is induced by multi-sensory stimuli (e.g. visuomotor stimuli) which can create a feeling of owning a fake body (Botvinick & Cohen, 1998; Sanchez-Vives et al., 2010).
According (Slater & Wilbur, 1997), the definition of immersion in the context of technology characterizes how good a system can shut down sensations from the real world and can deliver the virtual experience to the participant. This can lead to an enhanced “presence” in the virtual world, a sensation of living out a virtual situation in real life (Hendriks Vettehen et al., 2019). As seen in literature immersion and presence determine how strong the embodiment effect, which in the end have an effect on the behavior of the participants (Seinfeld et al., 2018; Waltemate et al., 2018; Wienrich et al., 2020). Other researchers also see VR as a vital method to treat body image disturbances (Döllinger et al., 2019; Riva & Serino, 2020; Turbyne et al., 2021; Wolf et al., 2020).
This study will use the Varjo XR3 VR Headset in combination with an animationsystem to enable the personalized avatar to move after a short calibration time. Aspart of ViTras program we will use the ViTras Demonstrator. The study will beimplemented via Unity 2020.3 LTS. For the generation of the personalized avatarswe use a modified version of the fast avatar generation method from Achenbachet al. (2017), which has been used in other studies as well (Wolf et al., 2020; Wolfet al., 2021). We use a custom-made photogrammetry rig with 94 DSLR camerasto scan the subject. Four studio lights equipped with diffuser balls ensure uniformillumination. 10 of the 94 DSLR cameras are zoomed in on the subject’s face tocapture more detail in this region and effectively increase immersion through a moreunique personalized avatar.In our study, we will use a PC with high-end components. The computer runs withan i7-9700K 5.0 GHZ, a high-end graphics card, and 32 GB DDR4 RAM under theoperating system Windows 10.3.2
As mentioned before in our study we use personalized characters which represents the participants themselves to enhance immersion and the presence. This embodiment is being used to alter their body perception. This study design features a between-subject 3x1 design with avatar body modification as independent value. The participants have to measure specific body parts of their body in real life before and after exposure. If the body measurements from the pre-exposure differ from the post-exposure measurements the internal body image has changed. This is also the case if the participants greatly misestimate the body size of their avatar after the alteration phase. In this phase their virtual avatar will be permanently changed to the assigned experimental condition and the same trials (explained later) will be held (overweight avatar, underweight avatar or avatar with no changes). These are the dependent variables.
Therefore the participants will be randomly assigned to one of the following conditions: They either embody an personalized avatar with overweight, underweight or without changes which acts as our control group. The change of the avatar body size is the independent variable. We will use both a virtual passageway and the virtual, personalized character for measuring the current body perception of the participants to analyse their impact on body weight misestimation and body perception, both in VR and real life. For checking if the body perception changed in real life we use a string to determine the circumvent measurements of different body parts of the participants. In VR we will use passive and active body perception estimation tests. In the passive test participants have to estimate the weight of the personalized avatar. Active tests consists out of 1) manipulating the avatar to a specific weight and 2) affordance measurements by changing the virtual passageway width to a size which seems passable for the participant. In the affordance measurement the avatar will not be visible for the participant as we only want them to rely on their internal body image.
The hypotheses in this study are as following:
H1.1 If participants are exposed to an overweight personalized avatar in VR, then the BID-CA body perception index is higher after exposure than before exposure
H1.2If participants are exposed to an underweight personalized avatar in VR, then the BID-CA body perception index is lower after exposure than before exposure
H1.3 If participants are exposed to a personalized avatar without VR modifications, then the BID-CA body perception index after exposure is not different from that before exposure
H2.1 If participants are exposed to an overweight personalized avatar in VR, then they adjust the path in the passageway task after exposure wider than before exposure
H2.2 If participants are exposed to an underweight personalized avatar in VR, then they adjust the path in the passageway task after exposure narrower than before exposure
H2.3 If participants are exposed to a personalized avatar with no changes in VR, then they adjust the path in the passageway task after exposure just as they did before exposure
H3.1 If participants are exposed to an overweight personalized avatar in VR, then the participant adjust the body size of the avatar in the active body manipulation task bigger after exposure than before exposure
H3.2 If participants are exposed to an underweight personalized avatar in VR, then the participants adjust the body size of the avatar in the active body manipulation task smaller after exposure than before exposure
H3.3 If participants are exposed to a personalized avatar with no changes in VR, then participants adjust the body size of the avatar in the active body manipulation task after exposure just as they did before exposure
H4.1 Participants exposed to an overweight personalized avatar in VR, underestimate after exposure the body size of the overweight avatars in the passive body estimation task than before exposure
H4.2 Participants exposed to an underweight personalized avatar in VR, overestimate after exposure the body size of the overweight avatars in the passive body estimation task than before exposure
H4.3 Participants exposed to a personalized avatar with no changes in VR show no differences in estimation of the avatar’s body size in the passive body estimation task after exposure than before exposure
This study is being held 2 locations (Scanning room, VR laboratory) and is split in 3 parts: In the beginning phase (pre-exposure) the participants have to agree to the terms of usages like data privacy and get general information about the project and undergo a Body scan which is being used to create a personalized avatar. Therefore data of the participants height and weight will be taken by the examiner. In addition we will take the measurements of the shoulder width for the passageway task.
While the avatar is being created the participants answer questionnaires about their demographic data (GDQ), their current self-esteem (RSEQ), current bodyacceptance(BSQ) and previous simulator sickness Experience (SSQ) (Kim et al., 2018). Further the body measurements (height,weight) of the participants will be taken for later comparison. Before the actual VR Part the participants will be asked to take their own body measures with a plain string and a pen. They should take their measurements (as described in design part) in 3 different body parts (waist, thigh, hip).
In the VR Part (exposure) the participants start with the active passageway test. The participants will be asked to adjust the virtual passageway so that they can pass through without any shoulder movement. We create a reconstruction of the real door in the examiner room. The width of the door itself will be randomly generated. The width of the door can be changed between the values 0.7 to 1.2. Using numbers below the factor 1.0 make the door impassable. The participants have adjust the width of the passageway 6 times. We will ask the participants to manipulate the width via a gesture based manipulation (pressing a button and making widening/ narrowing motions).
The next step is the calibration test with the embodiment of the virtual character. In this phase they can always see the movement of the virtual avatar in a virtual mirror. After the small exercise participants have to evaluate the weight of the generated avatar 9 times (passive body estimation). The modification of the body size range from -15 kg to +15 kg. Between every step the Head-mounted Display (HMD) will fade to black until the next step is initiated by the examiner. After the 9 time the avatar will be modified 1 more time to either +15 kg or -15 kg. This time the participants have to actively change the body size of the avatar to 1) match their normal weight and 2) their ideal weight. The participant will use the same gesture based manipulation as explained above to adjust the weight of their avatar.
After that the avatar will be changed to the assigned experimental condition (overweight, underweight or no changes). The participant has to do 2 small movement exercise to invoke the embodiment process to the new avatar. The first one is an adaption of the movement exercises seen in Wolf et al. (2020). In the other exercise the participants have to find a cube in the virtual world. A number is placed on this cube. Participants have to walk to the cube and read the number out loud to the examiner. This will be done 5 times before continuing the experiment as seen in other experiments (Bhargava, Solini, Lucaites, Bertrand, et al., 2020; Bhargava et al., 2021). After successfully completing the movement tasks, the participants will do the same active and passive body estimation tasks as before but in reversed order. That means we will start with the avatar tasks and end with the passageway task. After that the VR exposure ends.
The participants will again be asked to measure their body parts with a plain string in the same body locations as in the pre-exposure. Afterwards we will take body measurements from their waist, thigh and hip with a measurement band for later comparison. Last but not least they have to fill out Questionnaires (Presence Questionnaire (IPQ), Virtual Embodiment Questionnaire (VEQ) (Roth & Latoschik, 2019)). After that a small debriefing will be held and questions of the participant will be answered. In short the study is as following:
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Contact Persons at the University Würzburg
Erik Wolf (Primary Contact Person)Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Universität Würzburg