Embodiment Lab

Python XCS Framework

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Artificial Neural Networks are commonly used for machine learning. Many frame works exist, that enable machine learning newcomers and veterans alike to solve many learning tasks without needing to program anything themselves. A downside of artificial neural networks lies in them being a black box as it is hard to understand what actually happens inside them as they learn. Learning classifier systems (LCS) offer a human-understandable rule-based approach to machine learning but there are fewer frameworks and no de-facto standard implementation. Much research for machine learning is done in Python and there exist multiple excellent frameworks. To enable an easier entry into the practical use of learning classifier systems, the goal of this project is to provide a framework that implements the basic methods some of their variants of learning classifier systems.


Contact Persons at the University Würzburg

Johannes Büttner (Primary Contact Person)
Games Engineering, Universität Würzburg
Johannes Büttner

Prof. Dr. Sebastian von Mammen
Games Engineering, Universität Würzburg
Sebastian von Mammen

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