The EmbodimentLab is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Arts and coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). It is one out of ten Innovation Labs in Bavaria. Within these Innovation Labs student projects are realized as cooperations between the universities and the industry to facilitate win-win-situations for both sides, actively strengthening the research expertise in Bavaria regarding digitization.
Lab Equipment
The key component of our Embodiment Lab is our brandnew Photogrammetry Rig. With this rig we want to create photorealistic avatars within and for our projects. Currently we are working on optimizing the calibration of our scanner. Below you can see our Photogrammetry Rig we constructed with the help of our cooperation partners from Gotoxy.
Teaching and Topics
The EmbodimentLab projects will be organized appropriate to modern agile software development techniques (e.g. SCRUM) in order to exercise those methods and the related tools. Real projects of industrial partners will be realized giving the students realistic scenarios to work for and learn from.
The projects covered by the EmbodimentLab will concern the following topics:
- Character generation and movement detection: Process development for the detection of body shape and movement by means of sensor technology (RGBD camera, laser scanner, photogrammetry).
- Asset generation and integration: Control and correction of point clouds and mesh data, character rigging, Blendshape generation, texture reworking and modeling for integration as an asset in the game development process or in interactive platforms.
- Animation / Simulation: Integration of generated avatars / agents into interactive systems, eg Using simulation engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, or SimulatorX.
- Developing interactive systems that include the development and testing of 3D user interfaces and multimodal interaction paradigms.
The EmbodimentLab is integrated into the following study courses
- Mensch-Computer Systeme (B.Sc.)
- Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.)
- Games Engineering (B.Sc.)
- Computer Science (B.Sc., M.Sc.)