Embodiment Lab

SPD Visit - HCI and PIIS Projects Demonstration

24 Jul 2023

The projects demonstration attendees. From left to right: Alexander Kolbow, Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik, Bernd Rützel, Prof. Dr. Carolin Wienrich, Dr. Astrid Carolus, and Volkmar Halbleib. (Picture: Franziska Westermeier/ Universität Würzburg)

We were pleased to host Bernd Rützel (Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, SPD), Volkmar Halbleib (Mitglied des Bayerischen Landtags, SPD), and Alexander Kolbow (Fraktionsvorsitzender im Würzburger Stadtrat, SPD) at HCI Chair on the 24th of July. Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik, Prof. Dr. Carolin Wienrich, Dr. Astrid Carolus presented the research projects of the HCI Chair and PIIS group to the guests.
Mr. Rützel and Mr. Kolbow were scanned with the photogrammetry scanner in our Embodiment Lab, and Mr. Rützel’s avatar was imported into the virtual environment for a live demonstration. More information about this visit can be found here.
The research demos of the AIL AT WORK, PriMa, ViTraS, HiAvA, and Reality Stack projects were presented to our guests.


The demonstration of the AIL AT WORK project. (Picture: Franziska Westermeier/ Universität Würzburg)
The demonstration of the PriMa project. (Picture: Franziska Westermeier/ Universität Würzburg)
The demonstration of the photogrammetry scanner. (Picture: Franziska Westermeier/ Universität Würzburg)
The demonstration of the HiAvA project. (Picture: Franziska Westermeier/ Universität Würzburg)
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